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Andrew Christians recently participated in a roundtable panel at the American Bar Association Annual Meeting Meeting in Chicago Chicago, IL, with the topic being “Buyer and Seller Perspectives Perspectives on Emerging Emerging Bank M&A Market”. Christopher J. Zinski, a Partner with Schiff Hardin LLP, acted as the moderator for the interactive forum.

Subjects for discussion included:

  • Is the bank M&A market truly “emerging”?
  • Does the discussion begin and end with credit quality?
  • What is affecting bank M&A on the sell What is affecting bank M&A on the sell-side?
  • What is affecting bank M&A on the buy-side?

Buyer and Seller Perspectives on Emerging Bank Buyer and Seller Perspectives on Emerging Bank M&A Market

American Bar Association Annual Meeting

Presented by Andrew C. Christians, CFA

August 4, 2012